
How To Travel On A Budget

Travelling spontaneously is great, if you have the luxury of time and money to spare. But if you’re travelling on a budget, the first thing to do is come up with a plan on how to keep the cash flow coming in while your living your best life in a foreign country and travelers interested in working abroad have dozens of employment options: think pub work, teaching English, scuba instructing, fruit-picking, making coffee, waiting tables, promotional and sales work, and the list goes on and the stress of worrying about running out of money while your half way across the world wont be a problem anymore.

Be aware of the seasonality of travel. What is considered to be “off-peak” in one country might not be in another. Various destinations have different tourist seasons so make sure to do your research. With a little planning you can ensure you plan around the price hikes and tourist swarms!

Some places are considered bargain travel spots all year round, such as Canada and Panama. They generally offer thrifty options for lodging, eating, entertainment, and airline tickets.

If you plan to eat out, look up menus for restaurants at your destination. Or, go online and find the average cost of staple groceries, such as milk, for that area. If you are going to drive, search online for gas and toll costs for your destination. You can also buy museum or other tickets in advance, so that you’ll know how much you are spending for entertainment.

If you want to travel, don’t let an entry-level salary or a high student loan balance stop you. With the right attitude, information, and strategy, anyone can see the world on even the smallest of budgets.

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How To Travel On A Budget